Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Pinus resinosa Red Pine

Native To: Regional Wetland Indicator: FACU Soil: pH 4. 5 - 6.5

Form/Color Evergreen; conical to ovoid; 75'-100'; 50'- Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
75' wide; bright green to dark green Tolerance: tolerance.
foliage by midsummer; reddish purple

cone mid May- early June; tan brown to Urban Sensitive to soil compaction.
silvery gray cone from mid August- late Tolerance:

Habitat: Dry sandy or rocky soil; low ridges

adjacent to lakes, ridgetops, outwash
plains. Ecosystem Very high wildlife value for songbirds,

Services: upland ground birds, small
mammals, hoofed browsers.

Hydrology: Intolerant of flooding; prefers moist

conditions but tolerates dry conditions.

Ornamental Reddish-brown, scaly bark, evergreen

Value: foliage. Compatibility:

Salt Low tolerance of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Long lifespan, medium grower.

Shade Moderately tolerant of shade.

Pinus rigida Pitch Pine

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACU Soil: pH 4.6-6.5

Form/Color Evergreen; irregular and globular form; Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
50'-75'tall; 50'-75' wide spread; dark Tolerance: tolerance.

yellow green; red purple cone in May.

Urban Intolerant of soil compaction, sensitive
Tolerance: to ozone.

Habitat: Sterile sandy soil; shallow soil on steep
rocky land, ridges, south or west facing
slopes, windbreak. Ecosystem Very high wildlife value for songbirds,

Services: upland birds, and small birds.

Hydrology: Tolerates drought; intolerant of flooding

and saturated soil for more than 25%

Ornamental Irregular globular form, persisting cones,

Value: evergreen foliage. Compatibility:

Salt Tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Able to tolerate fire. Used for

restoring rocky or pine barren
Shade Intolerant of shade. habitats, short lifespan, fast grower.

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