
(avery) #1

The following is a selective list of further reading on topics covered in
this volume. It is intended primarily to give guidance into the broader
literature. Although divided by chapter, the coverage of many of the
references will overlap several topic areas.

Chapter 1
WHO, ‘WHO Commission on Health and Environment. Report of the
Panel on Food and Agriculture’, 1992, WHO/EHE/92.2, 191pp.
This discusses many important global issues and gives some indication of
the broader relevance of food microbiology.

Chapter 2
R.G. Board, D. Jones, R.G. Kroll and G.L. Pettipher, (eds.), ‘Ecosys-
tems: Microbes: Food’, Society for Applied Bacteriology Symposium
Series Number 21, 1992, 178pp.
M.E. Lacey and J.S. West, ‘The Air Spora’, Springer, The Netherlands,
2006, 156 pp.
D.E.S. Stewart-Tull, P.J. Dennis and A.F. Godfree, (eds.), ‘Aquatic
Microbiology’, Society for Applied Bacteriology Symposium Series
Number 28, 1999, 271pp.

Chapter 3
ICMSF, ‘Microbial Ecology of Foods. Volume 1 Factors affecting life
and death of microorganisms’, Academic Press, New York, 1980,
Though some of the ICMSF books have been published for some time
now, they still represent a magnificent collection of relevant material,
well written and authoritative.
B.M. Lund, T.C. Baird-Parker and G.W. Gould (eds) The Microbio-
logical safety and quality of food. Vol. 1. Aspen Publishers Inc.
Gaithersburg 2000, 972pp.
An excellent book covering factors affecting growth, preservation tech-
nologies and the microbiology of specific food commodities.
L. Leistner and G.W. Gould, Hurdle Technologies. Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers New York 2002, 194 pp.
D.A.A. Mossel and M. Ingram, The physiology of the microbial spoilage
of foods,J. Appl. Bacteriol., 1955, 18 , 232–268.
This article is included for its seminal importance in the development of
modern food microbiology.
L.R. Beuchat, (ed.), ‘Food and Beverage Mycology’, 2nd Edn., Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1987, 661pp.
A collection of excellent essays on all aspects of food mycology, partic-
ularly the chapter on water activity.

Chapter 12 441

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