
(avery) #1

S. Notermans, P. in’t Veld, T. Wijtzes and G.C. Mead, A user’s guide to
microbial challenge testing for ensuring the safety and stability of food
products,Food Microbiol., 1993, 10 , 145–158.
T.A. McMeekin, J.N. Olley, T. Ross and D.A. Ratkowsky, ‘Predictive
Microbiology: Theory and Application’, Research Studies Press Ltd.,
Taunton, England, 1993, 340pp.

Chapter 4
Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food, ‘Report on
Vacuum Packaging and Associated Processes’, HMSO, London, 1992,
The ACMSF has produced a number of reports that can be very
profitably read. Though naturally centred on the UK situation, they
contain much that is of relevance for a far wider audience. Their
reports can be accessed through the Food Standards Agency website.
Two excellent books which develop much of the material covered in this
Chapter are:
P.M. Davidson and A.L. Branen, (eds.), ‘Antimicrobials in Foods’, 2nd
Edn., Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1993, 647pp.
G.W. Gould, (ed.), ‘Mechanisms of action of food preservation pro-
cedures’, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, 1989, 441pp.
The two classic texts on heat processed foods are:
C.R. Stumbo, ‘Thermobacteriology in Food Processing’, Academic
Press, New York and London, 1965, 236pp.
A.C. Hersom and E.D. Hulland, ‘Canned Foods’, Churchill Living-
stone, Edinburgh, London and New York, 7th Edn., 1980, 380pp.
H. Burton, ‘UHT Processing of Milk and Milk Products’, Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers, London, 1988.
H. Burton, Thirty five years on—a story of UHT research and develop-
ment,Chem. Ind., August 1985, 546–553.
J.M. Farber, Microbiological aspects of modified-atmosphere packaging
technology – a review,J. Food Prot., 1991, 54 , 58–70.
G.W. Gould, A.D. Russell and D.E.S. Stewart-Tull, (eds.), ‘Funda-
mental and Applied Aspects of Bacterial Spores’, Society for Applied
Bacteriology Symposium Series Number 23, 1994, 138pp.
R.T. Parry, (ed.), ‘Principles and Applications of Modified Atmosphere
Packaging of Food’, Blackie, 1993, 305pp.
C.C. Seow, (ed.), ‘Food Preservation by Moisture Control’, Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers, London, 1988, 277pp.

Chapter 5
C. de W. Blackburn (ed.), Food spoilage microorganisms, Woodhead
Publishing, Cambridge, UK 2006, 712pp.

442 Further Reading

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