
(avery) #1

K.K. Sinha and D. Bhatnagar, (eds) ‘Mycotoxins in Agriculture and
Food Safety’, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998, 511 pp.
L.S. Jackson, J.W. DeVries and L.B. Bullerman, (eds) ‘Fumonisins in
Food’, Plenum, New York. 1996, 399 pp.
J.W. DeVries, M.W. Trucksess and L.S. Jackson, (eds) ‘Mycotoxins and
Food Safety’, Kluwer Academic, New York. 2002, 295 pp.
N. Magan and M. Olsen, (eds) ‘Mycotoxins in Food’, Woodhead Pub-
lishing, Cambridge, UK, 2004, 471 pp.
A.E. Desjardins, ‘Fusarium Mycotoxins: Chemistry, Genetics and Biol-
ogy’, APS Press, Minnesota, 2006, 260 pp.
A.H. Varnam and M.G. Evans, ‘Foodborne Pathogens, an Illustrated
Text’, Wolfe, London, 1991, 557pp.
W.M. Waites and J.P. Arbuthnott, (eds.), ‘Foodborne Illness’, Edward
Arnold, London, 1991, 146pp.

Chapter 9
The proceedings of four major conferences on the lactic acid bacteria
have been published and contain a wealth of excellent and authorita-
tive reviews. The three most recent are:

FEMS Microbiol. Rev.,1987, 46 , pp.201–379.
FEMS Microbiol. Rev., 1990, 87 , pp.3–188.
FEMS Microbiol. Rev., 1993, 12 , pp.3–271.

A.P.J. Trinci, ‘Mycoprotein: a twenty year overnight success story’,
Mycological Research, 1992 , 96, pp.1–33.
R.G. Board, D. Jones and B. Jarvis, (eds.), ‘Microbial Fermentations:
Beverages, Foods and Feeds’, Society for Applied Bacteriology Sym-
posium Series, Number 24, 1995, 145pp.
There are a number of texts which can provide further background
information on specific fermented foods:
B.J.B. Wood, (ed.) ‘Microbiology of Fermented Foods’, 2 Volumes, 2nd
edn., Blackie Academic & Professional, London, 1998, 852 pp.
F.G. Priest and I. Campbell, (eds.), ‘Brewing Microbiology’, Elsevier
Applied Science, London, 1987, 275pp.
D.E. Briggs, C.A. Boulton, P.A. Brookes and R. Stevens, Brewing
science and practice. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK 2004,
S. Salminen, and A. von Wright, (eds.), ‘Lactic acid bacteria: micro-
biology and functional aspects’, 2nd edn., Marcel Dekker Inc., New
York, 1998.
K.H. Steinkraus, (ed.), ‘Handbook of Indigenous Fermented Foods’,
Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1983, 671pp.

444 Further Reading

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