
(avery) #1

Subject Index 459

pulses 149-51, 158-9
PVDC see polyvinylidene chloride

assurance 4
control using microbiological
criteria 410-12
foods 396-9
good manufacturing codes 425
at source 412-25
systems 434-6
quaternary ammonium compounds
(QUATs) disinfectants 419-24

radappertization 89
Clostridium botulinum 89
consumer resistance 89
dosage 88
microwave 82-3
resistance 87
radicidation 89
radiolysis of water 86
radurization 89
random amplification of polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) 215
Rappaport–Vassiliadis (RV) broth
Ratkowsky square root model 60
raw beef, HACCP 434-5
raw materials hazard analysis 428
raw milk, Salmonella 248
record keeping for HACCP 432-4
redox couples 29
redox dyes 382-3
redox potential (E[U]h[u]) 28-32
regulatory bodies 397
relative humidity 45-6, 148-9
rennet 335
resazurin 383
resistance to UV radiation 84
restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) 394
RFLP see restriction fragment length

Rhizoctonia leguminocola 299
Rhizopus 282, 368
Rhizopus oligosporus 364
Rhodotorula 339
rice wine 365-8
‘Ring Test’ 192
analysis for foods 436-9
characterization 438
communication 438
foodborne illnesses 169-72
producer’s 403
RNA assays 389-3
rotavirus 167
round worms 272-4
Roussin’s salts 103
RV see Rappaport–Vassiliadis
ryegrass staggers 297-8

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 106, 312,
349, 352, 367
Saccharomyces cerevisiae var
carlsbergensis (uvarum) 352
Saccharomyces pombe 313
Saccharomycopsis fibuligera 313
safety of foods 4, 396
St Anthony’s fire 297
Sakazakii, Riichi 215
sake 348, 367
saliva 173
Salmon, D.E. 236
Salmonella 235-49
Bacillus 185
Campylobacter 195
can leakage 80
cocoa beans 249
coconut 249
costs 163
critical control points 429
D values 70
diarrhoea 177, 180
ELISA assays 244, 388
fermented meats 345
fish 248-9
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