
(avery) #1

462 Subject Index

thermophiles 47
thermophilic organisms 78
Thermus aquaticus 392
thiosulfate/citrate/bile salt/sucrose
(TCBS) agar 261
three-class attributes plans 402-5
throat infections 19
thymine 84
thymol 34
time–temperature function indicators
TMAO see trimethylene oxide
toadstools 281-2
tofu 267
toilets for food processing staff 414
agarics 282-3
cyanobacteria 279
diatoms 279-80
Clostridium botulinum 202-4
Clostridium perfringens 212
diarrhoea 178
toxoflavin 365
Toxoplasma 274
Toxoplasmii gondi 277
trade and pathogens 172
training for food handling 412-13
‘travellers diarrhoea’ 183
tremorgens 290
Trichinella nativa 274
Trichinella spiralis 272-4
tricothecenes 292-3, 294
trimethylene oxide (TMAO) 143-4,
244, 386
triphenyltetrazolium chloride 382
tuberculosis 232-3
two-class attributes plans 309-402
two-stage cleaning 418-20
Typhoid fever 235-6, 240-1
Typhymurium definitive phage type,
Salmonella 248

udders 123-4
UHT see ultra high temperature

UKAS (UK Accreditation service)
ultra high temperature (UHT)
processing 80-1, 128
US Department of Agriculture 434
UV (ultra violet) radiation 83-5

Vacherin Mont d’Or cheese 230
vacuum packing 108, 109, 138
van Ermengem 198, 199
vanillin 34
variable acceptance sampling 407-10
vegetables 153-7
fermented 336-43
pH 146
spoilage 154
storage 46
Ventura inaequalis 152
verification for HACCP 432
Verotoxin 221
verrucarin A 292-3
Vibrio 92, 140, 257-62
Plesiomonas shigelloides 234
Vibrio cholerae 178-9, 258, 260, 262
Vibrio fetus 192
Vibrio jejuni 192
Vibrio mimicus 258-9
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 14, 258-9,
Vibrio vulnificus 261, 262
vinegar 356-62
viruses 160, 162, 300-6
vitamin C 340

availability for plants 146
content 42-3
fresh 14
micro-organisms 13-15
radiolysis 86, 86-7
sorption isotherm 42-3
water activity 36-46
control 112-15
fungi 148
saturated salts 45
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