7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Creating the Third Alternative

Creating the Third Alternative

  1. Synergise

Communicate till we both find a solution we feel good
Communicate till we both find a solution we feel good


Not your way, or my way, but a better way
Not your way, or my way, but a better way

Both can be right and disagree
Both can be right and disagree

like the picture before
like the picture before

Listen with intent to understand, not reply
Listen with intent to understand, not reply

This is how I see it vs. you are wrong
This is how I see it vs. you are wrong

Express how you feel about and see the situation
Express how you feel about and see the situation

Common Goals helps, or see Values
Common Goals helps, or see Values


since you only have your own experience,
since you only have your own experience,

really understand the gifts that others have for you; it
really understand the gifts that others have for you; it

took them a lifetime of understanding and it is given to
took them a lifetime of understanding and it is given to

you free
you free
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