Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 – Common Collector Circuit

Exercise 1 – Common Collector Circuit DC Operation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a common collector (CC) transistor circuit by using a typical CC circuit. You will
verify your results with a multimeter and with calculations.


  • In common collector transistor circuits the collector terminal is common to both the input and
    the output signals.

  • Since no collector resistor is present the collector voltage (VC) equals the dc power supply
    voltage (VA).

  • Base voltage (VB) is calculated using the voltage divider equation.

  • Emitter voltage (VE) is about 0.6 Vdc less than the base voltage when the transistor is
    operating normally.

  • Ohm’s law is used to calculate the emitter current (IE).

  • Collector current (IC) is the emitter current minus the base current.

  • The dc load line passes through the saturation point, Q-point, and the cutoff point.

  • Cutoff occurs when VCE is equal to the supply voltage and IC equals 0 mA.

  • Saturation occurs when VCE equals 0 Vdc and the IC is at maximum value.

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