Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

FET Fundamentals Unit 6 – Unijunction Transistors

Exercise 1 – UJT Operating Characteristics


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the operating
characteristics of a unijunction transistor by using a UJT test circuit. You will verify your results
with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.


  • The diode in the equivalent circuit represents the PN junction.

  • The interbase resistance ranges from 4.7 kΩ to 9.1 kΩ for this UJT.

  • The emitter voltage (VE) must be able to overcome the junction voltage (VJ) and the diode
    drop (VD) for emitter current to flow.

  • Emitter current flows from B1 to the emitter providing a regenerative (positive feedback)

  • The regenerative effect gives a UJT its unique negative resistance characteristic.

  • No emitter current flows in the cutoff region.

  • Once firing voltage is reached at the emitter terminal, emitter current starts to increase
    (milliampere range).

  • Emitter voltage decreases because of the negative resistance effect between the emitter and

  • Beyond the saturation region, emitter current increases with emitter voltage and the
    resistance effect becomes positive again.

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