Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

FET Fundamentals Unit 8 – Transducers

Some examples of transducers and their applications are shown.

Additional examples of transducers and their applications are shown.


transducer - a device that can transform or convert one form of energy into another form. For
example, a transducer (load cell) can convert motion to resistance.
passive device - a device that does not require the application of an external power source.
active device - a device that requires the application of an external power source.
linear characteristics - a type of response where one quantity, such as current, varies directly
with a second quantity, such as voltage. A plot of this relationship produces a straight line.
nonlinear characteristics - a type of response where one quantity varies indirectly with a
second quantity. A plot of this relationship does not produce a straight line.
thermistor - a component whose resistance is affected by the amount of heat energy to which it
is exposed.
self heating - the internal power dissipation generated when current flows through a thermistor.
cold resistance - the resistance of a thermistor at a reference temperature where there is no
current flow and therefore a zero self-heating effect.
photoconductive - a material or device whose conduction characteristics are sensitive to changes
in light intensity.

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