Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit 5 – Flip-Flops

Exercise 2 – D-Type Flip-Flop


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the characteristics of a D-
type flip-flop by observing the logic states of the outputs in response to the input signals. You
will verify your results with an oscilloscope.


  • The schematic symbol shows a typical D-type flip-flop. There is one data input (D) and a
    clock input (CLK).

  • A PR (preset) input sets the flip-flop and a CLR (clear) input resets the flip-flop.

• The two outputs, Q and Q, are complementary.

  • A low (logic 0) at PR sets Q high (logic 1).

  • A low at CLR resets Q low.

  • If either the PR or CLR inputs remain in a low state, the flip-flop is locked in its set or reset

state, respectively; data or clock signals have no effect on Q and Q.

  • A low (logic 0) at PR sets Q high (logic 1).

  • The small circle and triangle at the CLK input indicate that the negative edge of the clock
    signal activates the data (D) input.

  • The data input must be stable before and after the flip-flop is clocked.

  • The logic state of the data is input to the D-type flip-flop only during the transition of the
    clock signal from high to low.

  • This is a timing diagram showing the relationship between the data input (D), the outputs (Q

and Q), and the clock signal (CLK).

• Q equals the D input after the negative edge of the CLK. Q is the complement of D and Q.

• Once a D-type flip-flop is clocked, changes to the logic state of D do not affect Q and Q

until there is another negative edge of the CLK signal.

  • The Q output is logic 1. If input D is logic 0 during the next negative edge of the clock
    signal, the Q output changes to logic 0.

  • For example, if PR is logic 1 and CLR is logic 0, the D-type flip-flop is reset: Q is logic 0

and Q is logic 1. The logic states of D and CLK do not affect the outputs.

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