Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Digital Logic Fundamentals Unit 8 – TTL and CMOS Comparison

Exercise 1 – Trigger Levels of TTL and CMOS Gates


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the input voltage at
which the output of a TTL gate or a CMOS gate changes logic states by using the TTL/CMOS
COMPARISON circuit block. You will verify your results with an oscilloscope and a


  • TTL uses 5 Vdc and ground as the supply voltage.

  • The CMOS supply voltage is 5,10, or 15 Vdc.

  • The CMOS input and output levels are between the supply voltages (VDD and VSS).

  • At some voltage between VIL and VIH the gate output changes states.

  • TTL levels are: VIL= 0.8 Vdc and VIH = 2.0 Vdc.

  • CMOS levels are: VIL = 1.0 Vdc and VIH = 4.0 Vdc.

  • CMOS has a better noise margin than TTL.

  • CMOS is low power at low frequencies.

  • CMOS power increases with frequency.

  • Open collector TTL gates can generate CMOS logic levels when a resistor is used to pull the
    output to VDD.

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