Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Digital Circuit Fundamentals 1 Unit 3 – Synchronous Counter

The LS193 counter can count up or down. If UP is pulled to VCC and DOWN is pulsed, the

count direction is down (HEX B, A, 9, 8, etc.). If DOWN is pulled to VCC and UP is pulsed, the

count direction is up (HEX 8, 9, A, B, etc.).

The LS193 counter detects overflow (a count of 15 + 1) and underflow (a count of 0 - 1).
Overflow detection generates an active CARRY output signal. Underflow detection generates an
active BORROW output signal.

The pin-out structure of the 74LS193 serial counter indicates a 16-pin device. Your circuit board
uses a DIP version.

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