Index I-3
Current ratio, 88
Current yield, 205
D’Leon Inc., 81, 1 18
Days sales outstanding (DSO), 90
Dealer market, 40
Debenture, 215
Debt, 400
Debt " nancing, used to constrain
managers, 424
Debt management ratios, 92–95
Debt ratio, 94
Decision tree, 383
Declaration date, 453
Default risk, 214–220
Default risk premium (DRP), 172
Dell, 287, 368, 460
Delta Airlines, 173, 241
Demand deposits, 486
Depreciation of currency, 541, 550
Depreciation rates, effect of
different, 371
Depreciation, 63
Derivative, 33
Determinants of market interest
rates, 168–174
Deutsche Bank, 47
Devaluation of currency, 540
Direct investments, 551
Direct quotations, 544
Discount bond, 202
Discount on forward rate, 545
Discounted cash! ow (DCF)
approach, 315
Discounted dividend model,
vs. corporate valuation, 290
Discounted payback, 354
Discounting, 131
Discounting process, graphic
view, 132
Discounts, 490
Diversi" able risk, 243
Diversifying overseas, bene" ts
of, 250
Dividend distribution, 440
Dividend irrelevance theory, 442
Dividend policy,
alternative capital, 456
constraints on, 456
effects of, 457
factors in! uencing, 455–457
in practice, establishing, 446–454
investment opportunities, 456
issues in, 444–445
Dividend reinvestment plan
(DRIP), 454–455
Dividend yield, 276
Dividend yields around the
world, 449
earnings, and cash! ows, 451
reasons preferred, 442
vs. capital gains, 441–444
vs. growth, 280–282
approach, 315
Domestic vs. multinational " nancial
management, 538–539
Dow Chemical, 534
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 45
DuPont equation, 101–102
Duration, 21 1
Dutch auction, 43
Eagle, 81
Earnings, cash! ows, and
dividends, 451
Economic value added (EVA) vs.
net income, 108
Effective (equivalent) annual rate
(EFF% or EAR), 149
Ef" cient markets hypothesis
(EMH), 47, 49
semi-strong form, 47
strong form, 47
weak form, 47
Electronic communications
networks (ECNs), 38
Enron, 11, 14, 17, 15, 16, 106, 219
Equilibrium stock prices, changes
in, 302–303
Equilibrium, 12, 302
Eurobond, 552
Eurocredits, 551
Eurodollar, 551
European terms, 543
EVA approach, 290
Excess capacity adjustments, 517
Exchange rate, 540, 550–551
Exchange rate risk, 554
Exchange traded funds, 35
Ex-dividend date, 453
Executive compensation, intrinsic
values, stock prices, and, 10–13
Expansion project, analysis of,
Expected dividends, basis for
stock value, 277
Expected in! ation, impact of, 253
Expected rate of return, rˆ, 234, 276
Expected return on a portfolio,
(rˆp), 241
Expected risk premium, 315
Expected total return, 276
External capital, cost of raising, 319
External equity, when to use, 320
Externality, 367
environmental, 368
negative within-" rm, 367
positive within-" rm, 368
ExxonMobil, 14, 215, 299
Fannie Mae, 19
Federal budget de" cits or
surpluses, 184
Federal reserve policy, 183
capital markets, 5
corporate, 5
de" ned, 4–6
investments, 5
jobs in, 6
vs. economics and accounting, 4
within an organization, 4
Finance theory, behavioral, 49
Financial analysis on the Internet, 68
Financial calculators, 127, 128
Financial! exibility, 402, 426
Financial institutions, 34–38
Financial leverage, 409
Financial management,
multinational, 534
multinational vs. domestic,
overview, 2
striking the right balance, 2
Financial markets, 30–34
and institutions, 26
recent trends, 31
types of, 30–31
Financial plan, 512
Financial planning and
forecasting, 509
strategic, 511–512
Financial report, balance sheet,
Financial risk, 403–407, 408 –413
de" ned, 408
Financial services corporation, 34
Financial statement analysis, 85
analyzing stocks, 85
Financial statements
and reports, 55–56
cash! ow, and taxes, 54
forecasted, 518–522
quality of, 54
warning signs, 106
Financing policies, current asset,