EVA's Children

(Catarina) #1

A-01 (ALICE) & A-

The original Alice was abandoned by her parents when she was about 7 years old. At
this age, she started showing psychic powers. Alice could control people’s action, but
only if they were in an emotional state.

One day, Alice was playing in her house’s yard with one of her friends. When playing,
her friend took her favorite doll and started playing with it. In an act of jealousy and
rage, Alice started crying and asking to give the doll back. Alice then forced her friend
to shove the doll trough her eye, through her powers. After this incident, everything
changed. Alice realized that she was special, despite being so young. A lot of weird
things started then happening around Alice, but her parents did not suspect a thing,
thinking these were mere coincidences.

One day, Alice’s mom got home after a tiresome working day and started making
dinner. At dinner, Alice refused to eat the vegetables. Her mom, tired of this, tried to
force her to eat. Alice started crying and then forced her mom to throw the plate at the
wall, through her powers. Her mother, chocked with what happened, realized then what
Alice was capable of. A month after, Alice was dropped off at an orphanage. They cut
all ties with Alice, being afraid of her. Alice grows on the orphanage and sabotages
every opportunity of being adopted by a family.

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