At 13, EVA Corp. gets ahold of Alice’s situation and her power. One night, she is kidnapped and sedated by the company and put in their
facility. Alice then starts being mentally and physical abused and is put through military training and experiments. They tried to improve her
powers, for her to be able to control anyone’s action, despite the emotional conditions. This proved to be a waste of time.
They then decided to clone Alice using her DNA, hoping they could manipulate the clone’s powers. They named the original Alice as A-
and named the clone as A-02. However, the clone was born emotionless and failed to acquire Alice’s powers, having no use to them. Alice
asked to keep A-02 alive as she wanted a friend. To her surprise, they agreed to her request and let A-02 live. A-02 was thought of as a failed
clone but this was far from the truth...