Programming and Problem Solving with Java
(^380) | Event-Driven Input and Output Add Output to the Content Pane We have now taken care of all of the steps needed to creat ...
8.1 Frames | 381 // Declare a variable of class Container Container outputPane; finalString WORDS = "Programming and Problem Sol ...
(^382) | Event-Driven Input and Output // Create a JFrame object outputFrame = new JFrame(); // Ask the JFrame object to return ...
8.2 Formatting Output | 383 Figure 8.2 A Grid Layout with Five Rows and Two Columns is the same size as every other column, and ...
(^384) | Event-Driven Input and Output Figure 8.3 A Grid with Centered Headings in the First Row is typically used to display a ...
8.3 Event Handling | 385 8.3 Event Handling Recall from Chapter 1 that one of Java’s control structures is asynchronous control. ...
(^386) | Event-Driven Input and Output into the pane and register a listener with the button. First we consider how to add a but ...
8.3 Event Handling | 387 The call to its constructor includes the string that should appear inside the button. For example: done ...
(^388) | Event-Driven Input and Output classButtonHandler implementsActionListener { public voidactionPerformed(ActionEvent even ...
8.3 Event Handling | 389 { public voidactionPerformed(ActionEvent event) // Event handler method { // Body of button event handl ...
(^390) | Event-Driven Input and Output 3.Register the listener by calling the addActionListenermethod associated with the button ...
8.3 Event Handling | 391 // Specify the size of the JFrame object outputFrame.setSize(200, 75); // Specify a layout manager for ...
(^392) | Event-Driven Input and Output What’s left to be done? Oh yes! We need to add statements to instantiate a ButtonHandler ...
8.3 Event Handling | 393 outputFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Specify the frame size outputFrame.setSi ...
(^394) | Event-Driven Input and Output (^129) Increment //Event handler method public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { ...
8.4 Entering Data Using Fields in a Frame | 395 the same word to mean two different things. When discussing fields, we must clea ...
(^396) | Event-Driven Input and Output User enters values in fields. JVM copies values into corresponding objects in the applica ...
8.6 Using a Field | 397 A data entry field is an object of the class JTextField. For example, we would declare a variable called ...
(^398) | Event-Driven Input and Output If you want to clear the field so that it appears empty, you simply call setTextwith an e ...
8.7 Reading Data in an Event Handler | 399 pens after the code copies the string? The problem statement doesn’t answer this ques ...
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