Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Preface | xix

Chapter Features


Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives for the student, divided into knowledge
goals and skill goals. These goals are reinforced and tested in the end-of-chapter exercises.


An illustrated timeline on computer history develops throughout the course of the book, on
the opening pages of each chapter. This timeline highlights important moments in computer
history and identifies key players in the development of computer technology.

Problem-Solving Case Studies

A full development of a problem from its statement to a working Java application is devel-
oped in each case study. In chapters beginning with 6, the CRC Card design strategy is em-
ployed to develop object-oriented designs that are then translated into code. Test plans and
sample test data are also presented for many of these case studies.

Testing and Debugging

These sections consider the implications of the chapter material with regard to testing of ap-
plications or classes. They conclude with a list of testing and debugging hints.

Quick Checks

These questions test the student’s recall of major points associated with the chapter goals.
Upon reading each question, students should immediately know the answer, which they
can verify by glancing at the answer at the end of the section. The page number on which
the concept is discussed appears at the end of each question so that students can review the
material in the event of an incorrect response.

Exam Preparation Exercises

To help students prepare for tests, the Exam Preparation questions usually have objective an-
swers. They are designed to be answerable with a few minutes of work. Answers to selected
questions are given in the back of the book, and the remaining questions are answered in
the Instructor’s Guide.

Programming Warm-Up Exercises

These questions provide students with experience in writing Java code fragments. Students
can practice the syntactic constructs in each chapter without the burden of writing a com-
plete program.

Programming Problems

These exercises require students to design solutions and write complete Java applications.

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