Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Now that we’ve designed this class, we can easily write its Java implementation.

// This class provides a student record object. The constructor
// requires a name and three integer scores. Observers permit the
// user to retrieve these values. A method is provided to compare
// student status with the class constants FAILING, MARGINAL,
// and PASSING.

importName; // Our Name class
// Class constants for use in comparisons
public static final intFAILING = 0 ;
public static final intMARGINAL = 1 ;
public static final intPASSING = 2 ;

Name myName; // Student name field
intmyScore1; // First score
intmyScore2; // Second score
intmyScore3; // Third score
intaverage; // Average score
intstatus; // Status based on average

// Constructor
publicStudent(Name studentName, int score1, int score2, int score3)
myName = studentName;
myScore1 = score1;
myScore2 = score2;
myScore3 = score3;
average = (score1 + score2 + score3)/ 3 ;
if(average >= 70 )
status = PASSING;
if(average >= 60 )
status = MARGINAL;
status = FAILING;

// Returns name field
publicName knowName()
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