Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


3.If anif-elsestructure contains a nestedif-elsein each of its branches, as shown
below, how many different paths can be taken through the whole structure? (pp.
4.What is the difference between theifand theif-elsecontrol structures? (pp.
5.Which actions below are more like a sequence of ifs, and which are more like
nested ifs(mark the questions with S or N) (pp. 173–176)
a.Indicating your age in a list of ranges?
b.Marking all of your hobbies in a list
c.Checking off in a list all of the magazines you receive
d.Marking the items you want to order on a menu
e.Checking the box that indicates your marital status on a tax form
6.In a problem where you are determining the grade for a test score, given a series
of score ranges and corresponding grades, would it be more appropriate to use a
nested ifstructure or a sequence of ifs? (pp. 173–176)
7.What is the purpose of an algorithm walk-through? (pp. 190–193)
8.In what phase of the program development process should you carry out an exe-
cution trace? (pp. 190–193)
9.How does encapsulation make a class reusable? (pp. 177–179)
10.Write a Java expression that compares the variable letterto the constant ’Z’
and yields trueif letteris less than ’Z’. (pp. 156–158)
11.Write a Java expression that yields trueif letteris between ’A’and ’Z’,
inclusive. (pp. 156–158)
12.Write a Java statement that sets the variable valueto its negative if it is greater
than zero. (pp. 170–173)
13.Extend the statement in Question 12 so that it sets valueto 1 if it is less than or
equal to 0. (pp. 168–169)
14.On a telephone, each of the digits 2 through 9 has a segment of the alphabet as-
sociated with it. What kind of control structure would you use to decide which
segment a given letter falls into and to display the corresponding digit? (pp.
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