Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

if(typeA || typeB)
if(typeA && typeB)
System.out.print("Type AB");
System.out.print("Type O");

15.The nested ifstructure below has five possible branches depending on the
values read into charvariables ch1,ch2, and ch3. To test the structure, you need
five sets of data, each set using a different branch. Create the five test data sets.
if(ch1 == ch2)
if(ch2 == ch3)
System.out.print("All initials are the same.");
System.out.print("First two are the same.");
else if(ch2 == ch3)
System.out.print("Last two are the same.");
else if(ch1 == ch3)
System.out.print("First and last are the same.");
System.out.print("All initials are different.");
a.Test data set 1: ch1= ch2= ch3=
b.Test data set 2: ch1=
ch2= ch3=
c. Test data set 3: ch1= ch2= ch3=
d.Test data set 4: ch1=
ch2= ch3=
e.Test data set 5: ch1= ch2= ch3= _____

16.If xand yare booleanvariables, do the following two expressions test the same
x != y
(x || y) && !(x && y)

17.The following ifcondition is made up of three relational expressions:

if(i >= 10 && i <= 20 && i != 16 )
j = 4 ;
If icontains the value 25 when this ifstatement is executed, which relational
expression(s) does the computer evaluate? (Remember that Java uses short-cir-
cuit evaluation.)

  1. a. If strings cannot be compared using the relational operators in Java, how can
    you compare two strings?

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