Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

(^22) | Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
record/playback head in a tape recorder) travels across the spinning disk, retriev-
ing or recording data. A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive uses a laser to read informa-
tion stored optically on a plastic disk. Some forms of CDs and DVDs can also be
used to store (write) data. Amagnetic tape driveis like a tape recorder and is most of-
ten used to back up (make a copy of) the data on a disk in case the disk becomes dam-
Together, all of these physical components are known as hardware. The pro-
grams that allow the hardware to operate are called software. Hardware usually is
fixed in design; in contrast, software is easily changed. In fact, the ease with which
software can be manipulated is what makes the computer such a versatile, pow-
erful tool.
In addition to the software that we write or purchase, some programs in the
computer are designed to simplify the user/computer interface, making it easier for
humans to use the machine. The interface between the user and the computer con-
sists of a set of I/O devices—for example, the keyboard, mouse, and screen—that
allows the user to communicate with the computer. We work with the keyboard,
mouse, and screen on our side of the interface boundary; wires attached to the key-
board and the screen carry the electronic pulses that the computer manipulates
on its side of the interface boundary. At the boundary itself is a mechanism that
translates information for the two sides.
When we communicate directly with the computer through an interface, we
use an interactive system. Interactive systems allow direct entry of source code and
data and provide immediate feedback to the user. In contrast,batch systems require
that all data be entered before an application runs and provide feedback only af-
ter an application has been executed. In this book we focus largely on interactive
systems, although in Chapter 5 we discuss file-oriented applications, which share certain sim-
ilarities with batch systems.
The set of programs that simplifies the user/computer interface and improves the effi-
ciency of processing is called system software.It includes the JVM and the Java compiler as
well as the operating system and the editor (see Figure 1.12). The operating systemmanages
all of the computer’s resources. It can input programs, call the compiler, execute object code,
and carry out any other system commands. The editoris an interactive program used to cre-
ate and modify source programs or data.

1.7 Problem-Solving Techniques

We solve problems every day, often while remaining unaware of the process we are going
through. In a learning environment, we usually are given most of the information we need:
a clear statement of the problem, the necessary input, and the required output. In real life,
of course, the process is not always so simple. We often have to define the problem ourselves
and then decide what information we have to work with and what the results should be.
After we understand and analyze a problem, we must come up with a potential solution—
an algorithm. Earlier, we defined an algorithm as a step-by-step procedure for solving a prob-
lem in a finite amount of time with a finite amount of data. Although we work with algorithms

Hardware The physical com-
ponents of a computer
Software Computer
programs; the set of all
programs available on a com-
Interface A connecting link at
a shared boundary that allows
independent systems to meet
and act on or communicate
with each other
Interactive system A system
that supports direct communi-
cation between the user and
the computer
Operating system A set of
programs that manages all of
the computer’s resources
Editor An interactive program
used to create and modify
source programs or data
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