Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



the array, a structured reference type that holds
a collection of components of the same type or class. Typically, a one-di-
mensional array holds a list of items. We all know intuitively what a “list”
is; in our everyday lives we use lists all the time—grocery lists, lists of
things to do, lists of addresses, lists of party guests. In computer appli-
cations, lists are very useful and popular ways to organize the data. In this
chapter, we examine algorithms that build and manipulate a list imple-
mented using a one-dimensional array to hold the items.

Chapter 10 introduced

AutoCAD, a
design software
package, is released
by Autodesk

John Warnock and
Charles Geschke
found Adobe
Systems Inc., and
develop software to
improve the relation-
ship between the PC
and the printer

Time magazine
selects the computer
as its “Man of the
Year” signifying the
incredible growing
impact of computer
technology on

Commercial e-mail
service is up and
running in 25 cities

Lotus 1-2-3, one of
the most important
early applications
for the IBM PC,
integrates graphics
with the
spreadsheet, like
VisiCalc did for the
Apple II.

DARPA (Defense
Advanced Research
Projects Agency)
makes TCP/IP the
primary Internet
protocol, setting the
framework for a
globally connected
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