Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

4.Put a check next to each of the following items that is a peripheral device.
______ a. Disk drive
______ b. Arithmetic/logic unit
______ c. Magnetic tape drive
______ d. Printer
______ e. CD-ROM drive
______ f. Memory
______ g. Auxiliary storage device
______ h. Control unit
______ i. LCD display
______ j. Mouse
5.Next to each of the following items, indicate whether it is hardware (H) or
software (S).
______ a. Disk drive
______ b. Memory
______ c. Compiler
______ d. Arithmetic/logic unit
______ e. Editor
______ f. Operating system
______ g. Object program
______ h. Java Virtual Machine
______ i. Central processing unit
6.Distinguish between information and data.
7.You are planning a trip. Which problem-solving strategy would you use?
8.You are designing a house. Which problem-solving strategy would you use?
9.You are lost on a hike. Which problem-solving strategies would you use?
10.Identify the obvious objects in the recipe in Exercise 3.

Programming Warm-Up Exercises

1.Look up a recipe for angel food cake in a cookbook. Identify the obvious objects
in the recipe. Then identify which portions of this algorithm consist of a
sequence of instructions, where branches occur, where loops occur, and where
subprograms are called.
2.Find a set of instructions for operating an appliance that requires you to set the
date and time, such as a VCR, microwave oven, clock radio, or a computer.
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