Programming and Problem Solving with Java

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


part of the testing process. Recall that serialized object files cannot be viewed or
created with an editor.
Here are the names for the entries on files adBook1.dat and adBook2.dat:

Here are the name fields from file adBook3.dat and the labels printed on file

11.8 Testing and Debugging

We have written a test plan for the unsorted list and the sorted list. However, we have not
tested the sortmethod that was used in the class ListWithSort. The method selectSorttakes
an array of items and rearranges the items so that they are in ascending order. If we write
a black-box testing plan, which end cases should we test in addition to the general case?
These cases fall into two categories, based on the length of the list of items and on the or-
der of the items in the original list:

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