How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1
Fearless Interviewing

Positioning Statement Template

I have more than ___________ years of experience as a
____________________________ in the ____________________
____________ industry, specializing in ____________________,
________________________, and__________________________.
I have an [A.A., B.A., M.S., certificate] in ___________________
from the University of __________________________________
at ________________________ and an [MBA, Ph.D.] from the
University of ____________________ at ___________________.
I have also taken (graduate, postdoctoral, vocational, adult
education, internship) classes in __________________________
and _____________________________. An accomplishment I’m
particularly proud of is [write a very strong Q statement that
fits the needs of the company]: __________________________
________________________ I’ve come here to talk to you about
a position as a ___________________________, and I’d like to
bring the same or better level of success to my work with you.

Positioning Statement Template

I have more than 10 years of experience as an events planner
in the high-techindustry, specializing in trade shows, interna-
tional travel arrangements,and fund raising.I have a B.A. in
business administration from the University of Georgia at
Atlanta,and I have earned a certificate in international mar-
keting at Simms Valley College.One of the accomplishments
I’m most proud of is hosting a dinner with our CEO and the
Georgia state governor. 110 administrators and government
officials attended the dinner, and it ran absolutely seamlessly.
I not only was able to complete the event under budget but I
also received a handwritten thank-you letter from our CEO.
Saving money on important eventsis just what I’d like to do for
your company.

Positioning Statement Template with Fill-In Blanks

Positioning Statement Template with Hypothetical Answers
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