Fearless Interviewing
personal finances and retirement planning. I also
read a testimonial from one of your clients in the Des
Moines Daily Reporter, who said that she had switched
to this company from another brokerage firm
because she felt that the planners at your firm had
integrity and put her needs before their own. That
kind of integrity in a company really makes me want
to be a part of it!
Many of my mature clients tell me that they are faced with other
versions of the question behind a question.
QUESTION: Don't you believe you may be overqualified for this job?
The realfears behind this question are usually:
- “Are you going to leave because you don’t find the posi-
tion challenging enough?” - “Are you going to be unhappy with the salary we offer
and either demand more or leave for a more lucrative
This response satisfies all of the hidden agenda behind the
ANSWER:After discussing the position with you and seeing the
job description, I feel I have a good understanding
about both the responsibilities of the job and the
compensation. I feel comfortable with both, and I'm
eager to work for your company.
QUESTION: What have been your most favorite and least favorite jobs
and why?
ANSWERA: I suppose that my favorite job was my last job as a
Web designer. I think that the reason I liked it so
much was that it was so creative and I never stopped
learning new software programs. I’ve really liked all
of my jobs, but if I have to pick one that I liked the
least, it would probably be the job I had in high