Fearless Interviewing
- Scan the following list of general skills.
- Make a checkmark next to those skills you have used
reasonably well. It’s possible that you have used a skill
only once but are still reasonably proficient with it so
that you could use it again if you had the chance.
Be generous with yourself as you decide whether
you have these skills. You need not be an expert in
them, nor is it necessary that you have used them in
a work environment. Think carefully back to school,
recreational, social, or volunteer situations in which
you may have used these skills:
___ Advertising
___ Advising
___ Analyzing data
___ Analyzing situations
___ Arranging events
___ Assessing performance
___ Assessing progress
___ Assessing quality
___ Assisting
___ Attending to detail
___ Auditing
___ Building structures
___ Building relationships
___ Building credibility
___ Building cooperation
___ Budgeting
___ Calculating
___ Classifying
___ Client relations
___ Coaching
___ Corresponding
___ Communicating in writing
___ Communicating verbally
___ Communicating
___ Communicating feelings
___ Communicating ideas
___ Communicating
___ Conceptualizing
___ Consulting
___ Correcting
___ Counseling
___ Data processing
___ Decision making
___ Decorating
___ Delegating
___ Developing systems
___ Developing designs
___ Developing talent
___ Diagnosing
___ Directing
___ Drafting
___ Drawing