How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1
Q Statements: Your Secret Weapon

Great! You now have some powerful statements to use as real-life
examples of how you can contribute to the bottom-line profits of
a company. You can prove to the interviewer that you can pro-
duce results—because if you have done it once, it’s a good bet that you
can do it again.

Q Statements for Job-Specific Skills

Now that you’ve made your general skills “leap off the page,” I’d
like you to do the same for your job-specific skills. If you can’t
quantify them, try just thinking of an example, story, or situation
in which you used the skill.

The more vivid the story, the more credible it will
seem to the interviewer!

Please use the worksheet that follows to keep a record of your

Skill 1 __ (name of skill)

Q statement:

Q statement:

Q statement:

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