Q Statements: Your Secret Weapon
demonstrates that you are dependable. To express the quality of
dependability, you might say something like this:
I’m very dependable. Every time the boss left the plant to go
out on business, he left the operations of the plant and respon-
sibility for the crew up to me.
You might also say:
I’m very dependable. In 2 years of working for this company, I
haven’t once been late for an appointment with a customer.
As is true when talking about your general skills,
it’s not wise to make a claim about your personal
traits without having some evidence to support it.
Try to find at least one story, fact, example, or
anecdote that proves you have that trait.
Please return to your skills summary page in Chapter 2, and find
the list of your three to four personal traits. Write at least one
example of when you demonstrated that trait or used that skill.
Use the following pages to keep a record.
Personal trait 1 __ (name of trait)
Q statement:
Personal trait 2 __ (name of trait)
Q statement: