Fearless Interviewing
Most people are glad to act as a reference and/or provide a rec-
ommendation—it makes them feel respected and important.
They would genuinely like to be of help, and they would proba-
bly feel honored to be asked. Think about it—wouldn’t you be
flattered if someone used you as a reference? Just make sure each
and every person you talk with also knows that you are beginning
a job search and that a prospective employer at some point will
most likely call him or her.
When preparing for an interview, you’ll want to collect
all the vital information about your three references together
on one neat page. Type a document as shown in the following
References for Beverly M. Santos
- Arthur Biggis
Supervisor III
Maxim Corporation
[email protected] - Melanie Chao
Director of Manufacturing
Maxim Corporation
[email protected] - Reverand Sam Anton
First Presbyterian Church of Newburg
[email protected]
Sample List of References