Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

could find just one guy who was hungry and thirsty and sick and strange
and naked and in jail. This way I could get it all done at once. It doesn’t
work that way, though. I’ve found out it’s everybody. It’s all of us, in one
way or another. It’s me. It’s you. It’s the person next to you at the coffee
shop right now. I know it’s hard to believe, but they’re Jesus—even the
ones who look and act so differently than He did.
Don’t make this more complicated than it is. Just start. Go find
someone who is hungry right now and do something about it. I’ve heard
lots of people say that giving the poor a fishing pole is better than giving
them a meal, but I don’t see them giving away many fish or poles.
We have a fast-food place called In-N-Out Burger near our home. I’ll
buy twenty burgers and then drive around town and ask people I meet if
they’re hungry. If they are, I hook them up with a hamburger. I don’t
write little messages on the wrapper like “Jesus loves you.. .” If you’ve
ever had a Double-Double burger, you know He loves you!
Find strange people and welcome them into your life. You may have a
whole family full of them already; no one will even notice. Keep water
bottles in your car and find thirsty people. Go to a hospital and find sick
people and give away love and Band-Aids and maybe one of your
kidneys. Naked people are a little harder to find, but we have a nude
beach not far away. I stand at the top of the cliff and throw socks over the
edge. Here’s the point: Don’t just agree with Jesus. Go visit jails and
make a couple of friends there. You don’t even need to commit a felony
to get in. Just ask the warden.
Do these things and you’ll not only find your faith again; you’ll find
Jesus. Even better, you’ll have plenty of things to talk to Him about for
eternity in heaven. That’s the plan.

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