Everybody, Always

(avery) #1


Croc Drop

We all go to “our” church.

I received a call from a small church in Alabama, and they asked if I’d

speak at a gathering they were having. The guy who called said the place
they were meeting was located in a small town I hadn’t heard of before. It
was going to be a lot of travel to get there, so I asked him to tell me a
little more about the event.
“Well,” he said with a terrific Southern accent and a pause, “we’re
having a croc drop.”
“A croc drop?” I asked in amazement.
“Yep,” he said.
“I’m in!” I shot back.
What more information does a guy need? I started rearranging
everything I had on the calendar and bought a plane ticket. I felt like I
had turned back into a junior high school kid who was about to take the
tires off the principal’s car.
Growing up in Southern California, I’d never been to a croc drop
before. I hadn’t even seen a crocodile except on the Discovery Channel. I
was envisioning how terrific it was going to be when the crocodiles began
falling like balloons from the ceiling when I walked in. Kind of like when
a president gets elected. Except the balloons would have big teeth and
tails and they’d look really dangerous until the people there made belts
and shoes and luggage out of them. I wondered if the crocodiles bounced
when they hit the ground or if they just started biting people on the fly.
These are important things to know. What does a guy wear to a croc drop

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