Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

even more so in this setting in the bush in Uganda. The soldiers
surrounded the courthouse as the judge gaveled the room to order.
We had received permission from the judge to videotape the trial
because it was a first in the country, so I purchased a new video camera
that cost me more than my first two cars in college. Two Bunk John was
operating the camera. At one point, I was asking questions in the trial and
saw Kabi look up at John and stare at the camera. John’s face turned to
ash and he pulled his eye away from the eyepiece suddenly. At one of the
breaks, Two Bunk showed me the video clip. As Kabi raised his head and
started staring at the camera, the video fuzzed out to black-and-white
static like a television that stopped working. I assumed the witch doctor’s
death stare was covered by Nikon’s warranty, so we shared a nervous
laugh, got out another camera, and got back to work. People like John
who are turning into love get distracted but don’t stay that way for long.
The next session in the trial would be Charlie’s testimony. When the
judge reconvened the trial, Charlie entered the room. He was told to tell
the truth and was asked about what happened. This eight-year-old kid
stood up the size of a mountain, pointed at Kabi, and said, “That’s the
man who tried to kill me.” Charlie reminded me of another boy with five
smooth stones facing a giant. That boy didn’t back down, and Charlie
didn’t either. The courtroom was silent as everyone witnessed his
courage. Without flinching, Charlie gave the details of what had
happened to him.
Sometimes I’ve wondered what difference one person can make in the
world. I have a red plate at home that says I am “very special.” We get it
out on birthdays. The plate doesn’t make me special, though. It’s the
people surrounding me and my plate who make me special. The same is
true for you. Still, I feel pretty small most of the time. When I saw
Charlie’s courage, he didn’t need a plate, and he wasn’t small. He cast a
shadow of courage bigger than any NFL linebacker.
What is it you don’t think you can do? What do you think is too big
for you, or too scary, or too risky? Sometimes God whispers it and

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