Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

nice to them or tolerating them. It means helping them.
So I started a witch doctor school.
I know, I know, I know. Don’t freak out. Sometimes I wonder if this
is crazy, but then I see what has been happening in the witch doctors’
lives and I don’t think so anymore. We don’t teach them how to be witch
doctors. They already know how to do that. We teach the witch doctors at
our school how to read and write. We have hundreds of witch doctors
currently enrolled in the school and have graduated hundreds more. Get
this: the only books we have in the witch doctor school to teach them how
to read are the Bible and Love Does. If you’ve read either of these, you’ve
been reading their textbooks.
Bad guys who used to sacrifice children are now learning their ABCs,
and do you know what? Things are changing, and not just for the witch
doctors. One of the biggest changes has been in my own heart—I’m
learning to love these people who used to be my enemies. I’m moving
beyond just agreeing with Jesus to actually doing what He said to do.
Truth be known, my life is probably changing as much as theirs.
I’ve seen changes in the lives of the witch doctors as they experience
the kind of love and acceptance Jesus talked about. Our Ugandan friends
who are afraid of witch doctors think we’re nuts. We do too. Loving
people the way Jesus did means being constantly misunderstood. People
who are becoming love don’t care. They will do whatever it takes to reach
whoever is hurting.

We recently graduated our third class from the witch doctor school. Most
of these witch doctors have more joy than teeth. Incredibly, we got the
government to recognize their accomplishments. They now receive
certificates of literacy issued from the Republic of Uganda at their
graduation. Who could have imagined this would be possible? The
answer is simple: Jesus did. Loving our enemies has always been His

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