Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

than a few setbacks too. During one of the turns she took early on, she
ended up in the hospital for an emergency operation. After her surgery, I
went to the recovery room. A snarl of tubes disappeared under the curtain
surrounding Carol’s bed. I found the nurse who was looking after Carol,
turned on a walkie-talkie, and gave it to her to take to Carol. I snuck in
and lay down on the other bed in her room behind my own curtain.
I sat quietly for several minutes and asked God again if He’d heal my
friend and let her live. Then I turned on my walkie-talkie and whispered
into it, “Hello, Carol?” It made the crackling static sound again. There
was a long silence, and I could hear some fumbling around on Carol’s
side of the curtain. Then a weak voice said, “Hello, Bob? Is that you?”
We both laid our heads back on our pillows and laughed through the

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