Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

people, not away. There is a quiet confidence in knowing we all hit a
couple of wrong notes here and there. The report card on our faith is how
we treat one another when we do.

Mary ran to the tomb a couple of days after Jesus had been buried and
rose again, and she thought Jesus was the gardener. He didn’t embarrass
her in front of everybody and tell her all the reasons why she was wrong.
He didn’t have a Bible study with her about it either. Do you know what
He did? He just said her name. “Mary.” That’s all. It was the shortest
sermon ever given. We don’t need to send the archers to the tower to
protect baby Jesus every time someone hits a wrong note. Read the book
of Revelation. He’s out of the crib. Should we have a firm grip on
doctrine and know what the Bible speaks to the world? You bet. Keep this
in mind, though: loving people the way Jesus did is always great
Memorize that. Memorize grace. Make it your finger memory. Lose
the stages. Your faith isn’t a recital. Speak some jazz into people’s lives
when they miss a couple of notes. Run to them. Don’t give them advice;
say their names. And if you don’t know their names, don’t say a thing.
Because God makes people, and people make issues, but people aren’t
issues. They’re not projects either. People are people.
The next time someone near you messes up, pull them aside in
private. Don’t give them a pile of instructions like it’s sheet music. Just
give them a hug. You’ll be making grace and love and acceptance finger
memory for them too.

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