Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

those people in your life and lean on them a little. Be more vulnerable
and transparent than you think you have the wheels for. Do it anyway.
Sometimes when we ask God for an answer, He sends us a friend. Figure
out who He’s already sent to you.
There are plenty of questions I still have. I usually don’t have all the
green lights I’d like. There’s probably a lot you don’t have nailed down
yet either. Be honest with yourself about these things. God is less
concerned about the people who admit their doubts than the ones who
pretend they’re certain. Each day I start with the things I’m certain about
and try to land my weight on those things. It always starts with a loving,
caring God who is tremendously interested in me and the world I live in.
I’m picky about what else I add after that.
I didn’t know if the wheels on the plane would work, but I knew God
was with me as I fretted about my landing gear. The tower had pretty
much gone silent on me. It made sense. We’d said just about all we had to
say, and words can’t turn into wheels. It’s in those times where it feels
like everything has been said that I seem to sense God’s presence more
clearly. I don’t know what the guy in the tower was doing while I was
sweating bullets and waiting either to explode or screech down the
runway, a flurry of sparks and screams. I know what God was doing,
though. He was with me.
I finished my approach and passed the first white lines on the landing
strip. It was time for me to prepare for touchdown. I brought the plane
down as slowly as I could with the nose of the plane as high as possible. I
closed my eyes briefly and exhaled. It was time to see what would
The plane floated closer to the ground and the rear wheels touched
down. As the nose of the plane came down, I found myself counting
down: three... two... one...
When I reached zero, there would either be a lot of propellers hitting
a lot of concrete or a small bounce indicating the front wheel was down
and locked. Either way, I was a bystander at this point.

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