Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

promise God gives us every day. We want God to tell us all the details,
but all we usually get is a promise that we’ll see more of Him if we look
in the right places. This doctor knows what she’s doing. She practically
invented eyes. Jesus knows what He’s doing, too, and He did invent eyes.
Because I trust both of them, I’m okay with the promise I’ll see more.
We’ll see what we spend the most time looking for.
My eyesight is slowly coming back. It will no doubt take some time
to be fully restored. I’m not sure how much sight I’ll get back and how
long it will last. I’ve only had a half-dozen operations so far. I’m going
for a world record. While I wait, I’ve already seen what Jesus and the
doctor said would come true, even if my eyesight isn’t fully restored yet.
I’m seeing more.
There have been more than a couple of benefits of missing sight in
one eye. For instance, I know where my blind spot is. It’s half. Right-
hand turns at intersections these days are spotty at best. It’s like playing
rock-paper-scissors. I usually just roll down my windows and yell,
“Coming through!” Then I hit the gas.
When I read the stories in the Bible about the blind people Jesus met,
I can identify with them a little more. The one I probably relate to the
most is the guy who got his sight healed twice. After Jesus touched this
guy the first time, He asked him what he could see. The man told Jesus,
“I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Jesus touched his
eyes a second time, and it was only after the second touch that he could
see things the way they really were. First touches, like first impressions,
are great, but I think a lot of us need a second touch.
There are quite a few people who may have bumped into Jesus along
the way, but it didn’t stick the first time. It’s not a failed attempt when it
happens, just like Jesus didn’t mess up the miracle the first time He
touched the guy’s eyes. God wants us to be real with Him about the effect
He’s had in our lives. I’ll level with you: if I were the blind guy in the
story, I would have been tempted to lie to Jesus after the first touch and
tell Him I was healed. You know, just so Jesus wouldn’t look bad. But

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