Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

confidence that comes from having found truth in your own life. God
never promised we’d have all the answers. What He offers to us is a box
of crayons and the opportunity to let love draw bigger circles around the
people we meet than they thought were possible.

The call from Patricia about Adrian’s death came as a shock to us all.
Apparently, Adrian walked out of the airport after work and had a game-
ending stroke in the parking lot. There was no warning and no reason. It
just happened. I haven’t tried to figure out why. Sometimes when we
search too hard for explanations, we risk making them up by mistake.
I’ve got quite a few questions about why Adrian passed. Perhaps that’s
why God made eternity last so long—He knew it would take a while to
explain what He was doing. Before you decide why things have happened
in your past or are happening now, wait for God to whisper the reasons to
you. It will be worth the wait.
Adrian left behind Patricia and the rest of his family and friends, but
he also left behind far more. He changed my perspective on what it takes
to make a friend and to be a friend. You see, I used to think it would take
a lifetime to become someone’s friend, but now I think we do it just three
minutes at a time. It’s the way Jesus made friends with most of the
people He met, and it’s a great way for us to engage the people around us,
including the ones we’ve been avoiding.
I don’t know what happens after we die. The Bible says to be apart
from the body is to be present with God. Perhaps it happens in an instant,
and maybe it’s a little like the way it feels when you wake up from a nap.
Either way, after Adrian died, I bet he opened his eyes and he was in
heaven with Jesus.
I don’t know what heaven is going to look like. I don’t know if the
roads are made of gold. Honestly, I’m kind of hoping they’re covered in
Dippin’ Dots. I don’t know if we’re going to be assembled in rows,

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