
(Wang) #1

apartheid South African diaspora which the imperative of globalization has necessarily
induced. For this reason, memory becomes an extended metaphor of reclamation from
dispossession, not just for South Africa, but also for the entire African continent. It
provides a desirable balance to the drift of exile authorized by globalization, as the
primacy of home and return, both literal and metaphoric. Moreover, it assumes an
imperative dimension necessary for the achievement of global equity, if globalization
must be truly beneficial to global humanity.

By way of conclusion, Chapter Six reflects on the overbearing impact of cosmopolitan
culture as an imperative whose morality deserves reformulation. This is not least of all
because exile as a phenomenon is gaining unprecedented ascendancy in the present age
of globalization through its capability to transform into other apparently attractive terms.
It also holds the scary prospects of undermining the place of the African post-colonies as
homelands to the long train of African exiles to the West. The extractive implications for
the continent are evident in the magnitude of labour which is willingly or unwillingly
exiled to the West in the wake of capital and resource flight to the West. The morality of
exile, viewed against this backdrop, explains the basis for this reformulation. Ultimately,
the chapter weighs this form of migration, pointing to its desirability on the one hand and
the complex question of return on the other. Nevertheless, diaspora in whatever form
must be balanced with a considerable measure of return in order to retain and sustain the
integrity and viability of African post-colonies. This is especially so in an age in which
the imperative of productive development in the comity of nations can only be achieved
through the ability of each nation state to retain the best of its resources, packaged with
added values in order to command respect. Thereafter, the chapter does a summation of
the preceding chapters.

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