How all of these factors are considered by the merchandiser, selected, and used
in an individual situation is a complex subject. It takes years of training and
practical experience to do it effectively on a consistent basis.
Whenever you walk into a store of one of the large chain retailers, you may
take for granted the store design and the way it is merchandised. You may
not think that design and merchandising has any effect on your purchasing.
After all, it isn't it only other people that are influenced by that sort of
Chain retailers maintain full-time store merchandising departments whose sole
purpose is to develop and implement store merchandising that will influence
your buying decisions.
If you're an independent store in Average Town America, you probably
can't afford to have full-time staff devoted entirely to store
GGoooodd ssttoorree mmeerrcchhaannddiissiinngg ddooeess aaffffeecctt
However, you may want to:
Hire a marketing consultant or company with expertise in store
Acquire assistance from a buying group or franchise if you are affiliated
with one
Sponsor employees for training courses in merchandising available in your
area at community educational institutions
All store managers should consider the following ideas:
Store fixtures Store layouts
Specialty and promotional product placement
Arranging products on shelves to promote sales
Consumer perception of value