You can see from this one example that there are unlimited variations and we
can't deal with them here. However, in this example the idea is to:
Û Show key products to the best advantage
Û Position accessory and related products in close proximity to the main
selling area and thereby retain customers near the key products
Û Allow for easy access and a way out from the main selling area to the
outside of the store
Û Provide immediate access to customer service from the main selling
Û Have access to service from management, administration, and credit
departments in a private area adjacent to the main selling area. In
addition, if these offices are on a mezzanine, it could allow
management to view activities in the store.
The other points made in the first example (placing accessory and related
products as well as services close to the main selling areas) still apply.
However, the key product areas of the store will dictate the store layout.
FFoorr eexxaammppllee::
Among store merchandisers there are some that favour placing a
major, profitable department to the right of the store entrance
They would place displays of high-profit merchandise along the
aisle leading to the main department
Part of the theory behind this is that the majority of the population
is right handed and when they enter, the store turns right.