Closing a sale
Now that you have identified and qualified the customer's needs and addressed
their concerns or objections, it is time to close the sale.
In closing the sale, always ask for the order using positive choices and
Always analyze when you are unsuccessful in making a sale. Sometimes you
may have to try closing several times during a presentation.
Various methods are needed to meet every situation. You may use more than
one of the following methods during a presentation to conclude the sale.
- Narrowing the choice
The salesperson should remove those items the customer definitely does not
like and leave only two or three items.
- Reviewing the selling points
If the customer needs a little reassurance, the review of the selling points
may be what is needed to help make the buying decision.
This method is valuable for the deliberate customer who thinks through
every purchase.
Give the customer the opportunity to make a comparison.
- Using the standing room only method
This is based on the principle that people want what others have or want.
Saying, "This is the most popular seller in this line," is using this principle.
Use this method only when an item is in very limited supply and demand is
For example:
Which one do you feel is most appropriate for your needs?
How many will you need for your project?
Will you be taking this with you or shall we deliver it?
You narrow the choices!
Sometimes several trial closes are necessary.