Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Offering a last chance to buy

If the customer does not buy now, the item may not be available later or the
sale price will not apply.

  1. Offering a premium

Offer the customer a bonus or gift, or any one of a number of different
premiums with an item.
People like to feel they are getting something for nothing.
This method works if the customer is at least half sold on a product before
the premium offer is introduced.

  1. Closing on the objection

If you can be certain that, the objection raised is the only reason for not
buying and if you can remove the obstacle or satisfy the objection, the
customer will buy. Avoid offending the customer by making them feel

After the sale, during the follow up, did you thank the customer and reassure
them their selection was a good one?

These six methods are common methods of closing a sale. An important point
to recognize is that in an actual sales situation, it may be necessary to change
from one method to another to close a sale. In addition, it may be necessary to
combine more than one method in order to close a sale.

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