Sales & Marketing Management

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2. Qualifying & Serving Customer Needs

In a previous section, The Art of Selling, we discussed:

Being aware of what is involved in the selling process

Identifying and qualifying the customer needs using questioning techniques.

Knowing how to deal with objections, how to use different sales closing
techniques and how to make presentations.
It is the intention of Qualifying & Serving Customer
Needs to add to your selling skills and awareness of the
selling process by providing examples of the kinds of
applying qualifying questions to various selling

There are three typical types of situations in selling:

  1. Business-consumer selling situations

  2. Business professional situations

  3. Doing business with another business or doing business, on behalf of
    another business, with their customers' situations
    This material will provide you with a list of qualifying questions for each of
    these three types of selling. These sample questions must be adapted and
    modified for your business, your products, and/or services. Expect that you will
    be able to add to this list.

The word qualify as it is used in sales and marketing means to define
the differences or it can be to separate or identify the relative
importance of any number of things, including customers and
customers’ needs.
Qualifying questions are questions posed to customers or prospects
with the intent of drawing out information that will help the
salesperson arrive at conclusions pertaining to these sorts of issues.
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