There are five key actions to take during the sales call:
A face-to-face call is usually the result of weeks of research and preparation.
The ideas and questions (outlined here) will aid you to maximize the results
you derive from your future sales calls on professional prospects
Doing business with another business and their customers
Doing business with another business or doing business, on behalf of another
business, with their customers, is quite different from serving the public.
- Emphasize the scope of your company, the range of experience,
and capability of you and your staff. - Provide examples, if possible, to illustrate a track record in areas
that will meet the future needs of the prospect. - Outline what kind of service the prospect can expect and, if
appropriate, the level of fees they can expect for basic services. - If it is appropriate or relevant, you may make them aware of any
potential industry networking that you may possibly initiate that
could result in mutually profitable ventures. - Ask for the order. Never leave the potential client's office without
asking for the order.
DDoonn''tt wwaassttee tthhee ooppppoorrttuunniittyy!!^