If the prospect asks more, about whom you represent or exactly what you want
to talk about, remember the purpose
of the call is to set a 15-minute
meeting date and not to make a
verbal presentation.
By talking further, you only
provide more things for the
prospect to think about and more
reasons to pre-judge and say no.
Keep it simple.
You have learned how necessary it is to prepare properly before commencing
any telemarketing. There are some basic approaches to being
effective on the telephone.
By following the rules, guidelines and approaches shown
in this section, you will improve the results of your
For example:
If the prospect continues to press you for
more information, simply state that
what you need to discuss is too
detailed to go into over the telephone
and this is why you need to meet with
Tell them that you have examples and
illustrations that need to be seen to be
accurately explained and appreciated.
RReemmeemmbbeerr,, ttoo bbee pprreeppaarreedd,, oorrggaanniizzeedd,, aanndd
ffooccuusseedd oonn tthhee kkeeyy oobbjjeeccttiivvee——ttoo mmeeeett wwiitthh tthhee
ccuussttoommeerr aanndd pprreesseenntt yyoouurr ooffffeerriinnggss..