Sales & Marketing Management

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Summary of Sales Staff Training

In Sales Staff Training, we have presented the range of skills and techniques
that sales people need to apply in selling situations to be successful. You likely
learned how important it is to regularly provide review and upgrade training
sessions for your sales staff.

As you went through this material, you should have:

Û Thought about how salespeople would apply the selling techniques
presented in your business
Û Considered how the questions and methods for discovering and
qualifying customer's needs could be used in your business
Û Considered how the ideas on sales communication skills could be
applied within your business

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It is always important in any business to remember that:
No goods or services are provided to customers until a sale is made.
No revenue is generated until a sale is made.
No profit can be made by the business until a sale is made.
Nothing happens until a sale is made.

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