Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

It is important to organize all regular clients and prospects on a planned call
frequency schedule. There is no mystery in getting results.

The above chart also reinforces the importance of targeting your marketing
activity. Targeted marketing can almost move you from the completely cold
call stage to the appointment making stage.

Networking and referrals is a powerful business generation tool.

Getting involved with your local business and community organizations can
be a powerful business generator.
Business leads and referrals resulting from networking can move you
quickly to the second or third level (on this chart) or even result in an
immediate sale.

Putting the sales projection together

You can see from the above chart that with:

Cold calls, the sales result is approximately 10–15%
Referred/qualified prospects, the sales result
is approximately 25–50%

To get a good, qualified estimate of probable sales results, the territory manager
would take the prioritized listing of accounts and prospects developed for the
Call Frequency Plan.

The number of contacts with the various account groupings can be
translated (using the above chart) to an estimate of the sales volume that
may be developed in time.

There can be changes in market conditions that can affect the estimate of the
territory manager. As a result, it is necessary for the territory manager to
consult with the sales manager before the sales projections become part of the
Personal Performance Outcomes (PPO) of that salesperson.

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